Jen Wagner has lost 88 pounds since February without even going to the gym

Jen Wagner had always been athletic, but when she got married, she stopped working out and gained 100 pounds, reaching her highest weight of 240 pounds in 2017.

"I felt like a stranger in my own body. I didn't recognize my own reflection, and when I would see photos of myself, I was disgusted. I didn't know who that was," she told to us.

Though she had tried for six years to lose weight on fad diets and different programs, she finally buckled down in February this year. She started with her diet and did everything but only one product helped her to achieve her goals, to know what it was click the button below to know her secret.


She also exercises by playing tennis, swimming, walking with hand weights, jumping on trampolines with her daughter, and even doing yard work.

"I never did something that made me miserable and not want to do it again," she told us. "I haven't stepped foot inside of a gym even one time on this journey."

Her ultimate goal is to lose the 100 pounds she gained after getting married and her plan to achieve it, she also shared her secrets with us and today we are also sharing the secret with you.


"The thing I hear the most from people is that I look like a new person," she wrote on Instagram recently. "I agree since I often don't recognize myself when I pass a mirror or a window, but more important than that, I FEEL like a new person! I feel like the person I had longed to be all those years I was overweight."

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